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Below is a list of the many ministry opportunites at St. Francis Newman Center.  There is a wide range of ministries that provide the chance for parishioners to utilize the gifts that God has given each of us.  There is always room to grow, as well, so if you know of a ministry that would benefit our parish, please speak to Father Tony or call the church office.  Also, if you are interested in being involved in any of these ministries, please call the church office.

Arts & Environment

Every Catholic church has its unique, harmonious Holy space.  The purpose of decoration is to create sacred focal points for prayer, maintaining live harmony between the architecture and all the parts of the church interior.

Eucharistic Ministers

As with Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers provide a very important ministry by distributing the Holy Eucharist, the most Holy body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to parishioners during the Mass.


As our parish grows, we continue to need more people to help with this very important ministry as it is the focal point of each Mass.





Religious Education

The purpose of the Lector MInistry is to effectively proclaim the living word of God so that it may nourish, enliven and enrich the community of Saint Francis Newman Center, opening them to the mystery of redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.


With three weekend Masses and four weekday Masses, there are several opportunities to serve that accommodate most schedules.

Liturgy Committee

The mission of the Liturgy Committee is to offer the people of St. Francis Newman Center Parish worship experiences that foster a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.  We strive for our Parish's liturgical prayer life to be reverent, beautiful, and joyful in the Lord.


This committee collaborates with the Pastor and the office of Worship of the Diocese of Las Cruces to develop and establish objectives that support and elevate all liturgical ministries in the Parish.


(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

From elementary school (Kindergarten through 6th Grade) to Middle and High school, our children are given religious instruction at an age-appropriate level.  These formative years are vital in faith formation and parents are encouraged to enroll and participate in their child's religious education.


The first step in religious education is CCD.  Children need to have two full years of CCD classes before receiving their First Holy Communion around the age of 8 years old.  At the time of enrollment, parents must provide a valid baptism certificate with the application.  Classes correspond to the public school year which begins in the fall.  Enrollment will be announced via the bulletin in June or July.


For Confirmation, students will need to have two years of education beginning with Pre-Confirmation and finishing with Confirmation classes.  Parents will need to provide a certificate of baptism as well as proof of First Holy Communion.  Confirmation classes also begin in the fall and enrollment will be announced in the bulletin.

Altar Servers

The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass.


Servers carry the cross, the processional candle(s), hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, assist the priest when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, and assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary throughout the mass.

Music Ministry

St. Francis Newman Center has four weekend Masses, each with its own style of music.  From a small choir to a more contemporary sound, our many gifted musicians add the joy of music to the liturgy.


The goal and purpose of the music ministry is to enhance the experience of worship by heightening the Word of God with music, to provide beauty to the liturgy through music, and to encourage full, active and conscious participation by the congregation.

Prior to beginning the RCIA process, an individual comes to some knowledge of Jesus Christ, considers his or her relationship with Jesus Christ and is usually attracted in some way to the Catholic Church.  For some, this process involves a long period of searching; for others, a shorter time. Often, contact with people of faith and a personal faith experience lead people to inquire about the Catholic Church.


Once the person makes the decision to become Catholic, he or she can attend RCIA classes which typically begin in the fall and end with the catechumen receiving the sacraments of baptism, first holy communion, and confirmation at the Easter Vigil.   NOTE: If a catechumen has received  baptism and/or first holy communion, he or she will need to provide the certificates to the RCIA instructor.


As with the other religious education programs, when the RCIA classes are going to begin and the schedule is established, dates and times are announced in the bulletin. 

Funeral Ministry

Following a funeral mass, the St. Francis Funeral Ministry provides food for the family members of parishioners who have passed away.  These volunteers will find a location to accommodate a reception while ensuring that there is enough food, beverage, and tableware for anyone who attends the reception.


This service is provided free-of-charge as an outreach to our parish members.  Please contact the office for assistance with this service.

St. Francis Associates

Click below for more information about this ministry and the ways we can help your family or someone in need that you may know.

Homebound Ministry

This ministry provides Holy Communion to the homebound.  Its purpose is to give encouragement and to keep faith alive in the hearts of the sick, elderly, and the dying.


If you, or someone you know, needs to receive Holy Communion, please contact the office to schedule a time for a visit.





St. Francis Newman Center Parish

Contact Information:

Phone:                                                    (575) 538-3662
Fax:                                                         (575) 534-1059
Mailing Address:                       1303 N. Florida Street
                                                      Silver City, NM  88061

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